Best of Reactions to Tool

I’m not a big fan of many “reaction” videos—those videos where people react to a trailer or something else. Mostly because I think it removes the immediacy and immersion into the actual film, or trailer, or whatever; stopping and starting to offer commentary while clearly having to think of something to say so it’s not just staring, eyebrow cocked, at the screen until it all finishes.

BUT it is pretty entertaining to watch folks listen and react to a great song for the first time. There tends to be less stopping, with the verbal quips often about some musical element (like a switch up in keys or specific technique). Another aspect that makes it work so well is the gamut of emotions that crosses over people’s faces—skepticism, curiosity, surprise, joy, and other signs of being genuinely affected by this new song. It’s a moment of authenticity that is hard to fake while also being reminiscent of your own first time hearing some bop that you now dearly love. The YouTube channel Derek Brooks compiles a lot of these into one video around a specific song. This one is a myriad of reactions to the song “The Pot” by Tool from their 10,000 Days album. (Personally, I think “The Grudge” off Lateralus is a better song with more diverse elements, but it is longer and also no one asked me.)

It’s a fun ride to see people get into something they never expected to hear, let alone love, and will make you want to re-listen to all those other great Tool songs again. Be sure to subscribe to the Derek Brooks channel and enjoy the tune-age.


Japan's Punk Filmmaker
