It’s hard to split the difference between making a satisfying story and one that leaves the audience wanting more. The latter aspect is important because then viewers will want to explore the universe of the film (if only in their minds), playing it over and over again and sticking with them long after they watched it. 2017’s GOOD BUSINESS does just that as an all killer/no filler short.

Clocking in at about four minutes, GOOD BUSINESS quickly sets up an intriguing world while also showcasing some terrific f/x and aesthetic designs (especially the creatures). While there’s a bit of clunky dialogue, the whole thing moves so swiftly and so well that it’s not a real problem. Directed by Ray Sullivan, from a comic by Simon Roy, the sci-fi/action/drama is a great slice of ingenuity and cinematic fun. It stars Darryl Kinsella and Amy De Bhrún, with music and cinematography by Terry Warren (and visual effects by Sullivan).

GOOD BUSINESS is presented through the DUST YouTube Channel which showcases a bunch of great genre shorts, so be sure to follow them. Also director/producer/visual effects Ray Sullivan is incredibly promising with this work and you’ll want to follow him on Instagram and over on his Twitter.


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