Some More Andrew Farmer’s ‘Aunts For Halloween’ (Pt 2)
I know there’s still a few days left before Halloween—which means a few more aunts coming our way care of America’s sweetheart, Andrew Farmer. But it’s been two weeks since our first check in on his tremendous #31AuntsForHalloween and here’s another batch of aunts who accidentally wander into horror movie situations.
A reminder that this is but a small sampling of this terrific monthlong bit (#31AuntsForHalloween) and, indeed, Mr. Farmer’s overall exceptional comedic offerings.
More hilarity of the Farmer-variety can be found on his Twitter, on his Instagram account, writing for the TV show Miracle Workers, co-hosting the tremendous Scary Stories To Tell On The Pod (with Anna Drezen), amongst other places.
Please follow him and tell him how great he is because there’s only so many times I can do that before a restraining order shows up at my door. That’s not a trick nor a treat. It’s a bummer. And now I’m bummed out on Halloween. Thanks, imaginary restraining order!