A film remix by Nick DenBoer and Davy Force that makes Kubrick’s THE SHINING much fowler than originally intended. It’s a bizarre and hilarious take that uses the original movie as a springboard for random (and usually comedic) weirdness. Here’s the official synopsis/overview:

THE CHICKENING is the first of its kind in remixed, augmented cinema. It is a theatrical trailer for a fictional film in which Stanley Kubrick’s classic film THE SHINING has been artfully transformed into a new, poultry-­infused comedy adventure by digitally altering the film to create a new narrative. This new style of filmmaking is a hilarious collision of classic films with modern day visual effects; “Cinegraffiti” — the ultimate neo-­nostalgic visual feast for this digital age.

A quick personal aside: This short reportedly played like gangbusters at TIFF, and I personally saw it play tremendously well with the crowds at Fantastic Fest in 2015. When THE CHICKENING finally premiered online in 2016, I posted about it for the AV Club where it did not go over well and instead was met by a massive chorus of boos that hated it and hated me for covering it. The lesson seems to be one of different strokes for different folks, I suppose.


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