Here’s some random videos I’ve made. Enjoy?

In the awful FIREPROOF, Kirk Cameron blames a computer for porn and ruining his marriage. I added the music from OFFICE SPACE.

The song “Are You Ready For The Summer?” from MEATBALLS played over scenes from FRIDAY THE 13TH films.

The first of my random visual mixtapes without any real through line or theme.

The second random visual mixtape that has some fun stuff in it.

Third (and thus far final) random visual mixtape of commercials, movie clips, TV stuff, music, and more without any real connective tissue.

Taking the reports about Disney trying to push its reopening during the pandemic and inspired by other posts, here’s a fake trailer for a horror movie in a theme park during a horrible plague.

Music video I edited for Keith Doughty’s song, “Sex Party”. Looks like things are getting too spicy for the pepper!

When I first heard Peter Gabriel’s cover of “My Body Is A Cage” back in 2011, I wanted to pair it with scenes from Darren Aronofsky’s work. So I did it.

Found Footage Fest introduced me to the jingle “The Eyes Have It”. So naturally I paired it with horrible ocular trauma from horror films.

My musical tribute to CANDYMAN and all the films in the series. But with a twist…

Holiday Visual Mixtape I made for a local company with clips, songs, ads, movies, and so much more!




Daily Grindhouse