My Mixtape’s A Masterpiece
Guest writers compile a 12-song playlist connected with whatever theme they choose. They pick the theme, match the songs, and then explain their choices…and you get to listen to the results!
Just Another Saturday
Soundtrack to a short story about a typical weekend day from yesteryear.
Best Fourth Albums For The Summer
For Fourths Of July, Alex Nguyen assembles the best 12 tracks for the summer from musicians’ fourth albums
Holiday Anger Issues Mix
Alexis M. Collazo compiled a playlist of songs to help cope with the many frustrations and aggressions that come with the holidays.
Soundtrack To The Best Horror Movie You’ve Never Seen
This week is the soundtrack for an imaginary horror film assembled by Shafi Malik that will lull you into its world only to then haunt your days. Read Shafi’s thoughts on the tracks and listen along to the Spotify and YouTube playlists.
Songs that Made Me Lose Aux Privilege With My Mom
For this week’s playlist, Eythen Anthony presents songs he digs…much to his mother’s displeasure.
On Your Mark, Get Set, Go!
For My Mixtape's A Masterpiece, Shak Lambert presents a selection of 12 songs that he would consider his personal perfect soundtrack to a car chase.