The trailer for March 1982’s PARASITE. Directed by Charles Band from a script by Alan J. Adler, Michael Shoob, and Frank Levering. The film stars Robert Glaudini, Demi Moore, Luca Bercovici, James Davidson, Al Fann, Tom Vilard, Scott Thomson, Cherie Currie, Vivian Blaine, James Cavan, Joanelle Romero, Freddy Moore, Natalie May, and Cheryl Smith.

The plot summary is as follows:

Set in the year 1992, ten years after a limited nuclear war as destroyed most of the USA, scientist Paul Dean has developed a new form of leach-like parasite which can grow to large portions every time it eats. Then, evil government agents storm his lab and he's forced to flee deep in the nearby desert and pursued by a "merchant" (government agent) intent on reclaiming the last two parasites Paul has. The first is in a silver container, the other is in Paul's abdomen. Paul seeks shelter in a small desert town populated by scavengers which threaten his work, while one local girl, Patrica Wells, forms an alliance with Paul to help him find a way to kill the parasite within him without killing himself, as well as find a way to kill the other one which gets loose and will soon multiply into many thousands unless killed soon.

PARASITE (1982) is currently streaming on Kanopy, Flix Sling, and Plex and is available to rent or buy on Amazon, Kino, and Flix Fling. (What the hell is Flix Fling?)


LEVEL 16 (2018)
