Boldly Going Nowhere pilot

A pilot was filmed in 2008 and was very close to being picked up for airing by Fox/FX Network. Created by the minds behind It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia, including writers and directors for that series, Boldly Going Nowhere was a parody of Star Trek and some other spaceship-centric tropes that used a lot of the ne’er-do-well energy of It’s Always Sunny paired with the vast possibilities of a sci-fi backdrop, yet curtailed within a spacefaring bureaucracy.

Some of the jokes land better than others, but it’s certainly worth checking out if only to see Tony Hale as a half-assed robot or people talking about the best protocol for jerking it in a holosuite. It’s basically a meaner (and funnier) version of Quark. No one remembers the TV show Quark, but trust me, Boldly Going Nowhere is a meaner and funnier Quark.




EARWORM (2022)