The holidays are ripe for cross genre hybrids. The idea of a being that is able to monitor people everywhere all the time and travel to any point in the world can be fantastic, or creepy, or the conditions for badassery. Eight nights of a ceremony creates a literal ticking clock scenario and ritual that can easily be a plot device to build towards some large confrontation. A mangoat beating children with sticks…well that one is pretty self-evident. Writer/director Dain Miller’s 2012 short film CHRISTMAS WARFARE takes some of the arcane mythos surrounding Santa and his elves to transform it into a sort of TERMINATOR-esque story of much more powerful workers rebelling against their masters and a desperate bid to save humanity.

Usually warning bells go off when small budget films go into the woods. It’s a great way to waste time and also not have to get permits, or create a schedule for using a space, or even build a set. But there are exceptions of course—THE EVIL DEAD and VERSUS come to mind. And CHRISTMAS WARFARE also does it well, because it’s plot motivated (getting out from under evil Elves’ technobubble of control) and the characters don’t just wander for minutes on end, but jump pretty quickly into a fun bit of shoot ‘em ups.

Here’s the plot synopsis for CHRISTMAS WARFARE:

When the Elves revolt and kill Santa, claiming Christmas as their own, a small band of freedom fighters known as the Red Hats struggle to avenge Old Saint Nick and restore Christmas to its once joyful glory.

If you dig this video, be sure to check out Wake Up Fast Films other works on their YouTube channel. Until next time, stay Frosty! (it’ll make more sense after you watch CHRISTMAS WARFARE. It may not be funnier after you watch it, but it’ll at least have proper context)

Special thanks and hat-tip to Michael Scott for hipping me to this short. Follow him on Twitter or risk my wrath.


ITYSL - “The Night Scrooge Saved Christmas”


Honest Action - DIE HARD