JCVD’s Cannon Origins (Part 2)

Yesterday we looked at the humble beginnings of Jean-Claude Van Damme’s creative partnership with Cannon Films. A clip from ELECTRIC BOOGALOO: THE WILD, UNTOLD STORY OF CANNON FILMS brought in various filmmakers and executives to talk about how the actor came into the fold of Golan and Globus’ mini-empire. While the story doesn’t change that much, it is told by different people and with different insights in today’s video. Taken from the (competing) documentary, THE GO-GO BOYS: THE INSIDE STORY OF CANNON FILMS, this clip features Menahem Golan AND the actor talking about their initial meeting and how JCVD’s tenacity and talents led to the career of one of the most interesting action stars of all time.

(Fun Fact: THE GO-GO BOYS was made by Golan when he learned of ELECTRIC BOOGALOO’s production, and he sought to get his movie out first with greater access and bigger names)


MGM’s Best JCVD Fight Scenes


JCVD’s Cannon Origins (Part 1)