It’s nice to find a fun short that’s under 20 minutes long and perfectly blends two genres. 2017’s LUNCH LADIES, directed by J.M. Logan and written by Clarissa Jacobson, is a tasty morsel of macabre merriment that feels akin to Tales From The Crypt with elements of SERIAL MOM and the SLEEPAWAY CAMP sequels sprinkled on for good measure. It’s a very simple premise that is borrowed from previous works (including one that is explicitly mentioned in the film), but it’s in the execution that makes it entertaining. Yes, it’s unfortunate that Johnny Depp is involved as a pseudo-character, but it was a different time and also let’s just say it adds to the gruesome dark comedy of the short.

Plot summary is as follows:

Two burnt-out high school Lunch Ladies do whatever it bloody takes on their quest to become Johnny Depp's personal chefs.

You can follow LUNCH LADIES on Instagram, on Twitter, and via its website.

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