God bless the vaporwave/eclectic editing/cinephile collective known as RacerTrash. They’ve been appointment viewing for over two years now with their anarchic yet symphonic approach to taking films and throwing them with abandon into a blender of references, styles, effects, music, and more. RacerTrash works always find a way to take these weird tangents and riffs yet meld them together to make thematic throughlines that are surprisingly emotionally engaging. And you don’t have to take my word for it as Shudder and timesnext (amongst other outlets) have sung their praises as well.

They’ve been featured on this site before (and in this very feature!), but there simply aren’t enough words or posts dedicated to their pop culture deconstructions that brilliantly fuse seemingly disparate source materials (often through little more impetus than a good pun).

Case in point: ONE MORE GOOD TIME. Soon after Daft Punk hung up their robot heads, this project came out from the rebellious remixers that combined the music of the famed French techno duo with the flopsweat-drenched anxiety rollercoaster that is 2017’s GOOD TIME by The Safdie Brothers. It’s also a good time to revisit with GOOD TIME star Robert Pattinson conquering the box office with his batarangs and emo mixtape.

ONE MORE GOOD TIME was assembled by editors Danielle Billeaux, Jess Lane, and Ben Pluimer. It’s a terrific bit of lunacy that is as inspired as it is trippy. Be sure to follow RacerTrash on Twitter, as well as follow Billeaux, Lane, and Pluimer on there too.


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