Afternoon Delights
Pink Project, “Disco Project”
Did this Italian group create the first major mashup in 1982?
King Of The Bebop
What if you combined the opening credits of Cowboy Bebop with King Of The Hill? The results are insanely entertaining.
Marvel x The Weeknd
A terrific MCU x The Weeknd mash-up vid is a masterclass on tremendous kinetic editing.
Walt Disney Presents: A CLOCKWORK ORANGE
JabaToons smashes the House Of The Mouse with Korova Milkbar for a fiendish bit of the old ultrafunny.
Marie Douceur Marie Colère (Horror Montage)
Video montage of horror moments set to "Marie Douceur Marie Colère" by Marie Laforêt.
Cinematic mayhem as the RacerTrash collective combines Daft Punk with 2017’s GOOD TIME.
2021 Trailer Mashup by Sleepy Skunk
Sleepy Skunk’s tremendous annual tradition of movie trailer mashups continue with another terrific installment.
“Bustin” by Neil Cicierega
The consummate Internet artist disassembles and remakes Ray Parker Jr.’s “Ghostbusters” into the sublimely hilarious song “Bustin”, with its own terrific music video.
Maiden Goes To Hollywood (Wax Audio)
Wax Audio’s delightfully inspired and exquisitely executed mash-up of music by Iron Maiden and Frankie Goes To Hollywood accompanied by a fun video.
BLADE RUNNER 2049 + Low Roar
Sampaku’s dope edit combining BLADE RUNNER 2049 with Low Roar’s “I’ll Keep Coming”.
Cowboy Bebop and Weezer
Truly dope fan-made Anime Music Video (AMV) tribute to Cowboy Bebop set to “Only In Dreams” by Weezer.
“Danny DeVito Gets Wrecked In. L.A. CONFIDENTIAL”
A short video to break up the monotony of daily life and provide some entertainment for the remainder of the day.