Marie Douceur Marie Colère (Horror Montage)

As a person of many a nerdy trait, perhaps the dorkiest amongst them is my proclivity and legitimate enthusiasm for creating video mixes of various clips set to music. To me, they are a fun way of showing the breadth of a genre or topic while creating a sort of proto-narrative as the music and images collide. I’m well aware of how pathetic that all sounds and, in fact, how pathetic it is.

Well, here’s one I made up of various clips from golden age of cinema up to and including works from just last year. Set to "Marie Douceur Marie Colère" by Marie Laforêt (a French cover of “Paint It Black” by The Rolling Stones I first heard in TALLADEGA NIGHTS), hopefully it can brighten up your day and lead you to seek out or revisit some of your favorite bits of horror entertainment. Enjoy?


Erin Hattamer’s Clueless SAW Victim


Robert Eggers’ HANSEL & GRETEL (2006)