Pushing Up Roses, “That Time Goosebumps Went Bonkers”

Halloween isn’t just for the truly scary, but also the attempts at being chilling…even if they failed. Hell, maybe especially if they failed. Pushing Up Roses looks at one such misfire in the two-part episode from the 1990s TV series Goosebumps called “Werewolf Skin.” Adapted from the R.L. Stine book of the same name, the installment should be a terrifying slice of juvenile body horror and nightmarish lycanthropy. Instead it’s just kinda goofy and doesn’t make a ton of sense. But the YouTuber sorts through all of it to walk through the plot, point out particularly odd moments, and highlight where it all went so terribly wrong.

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Todd In The Shadows, “Tubular Bells”


1985 Halloween Safety Film