Afternoon Delights
Pushing Up Roses, “That Time Goosebumps Went Bonkers”
A look at the bizarre two-parter “Werewolf Skin” from the ‘90s TV show.
1985 Halloween Safety Film
1980s extended PSA has lots of important tips for a fun (and safe) Halloween.
The Lovingly Complicated Role Of Mothers In Movies
Luís Azevedo’s 2018 video essay for Fandor about the many roles moms play in storytelling.
The Real Ghostbusters, “When Halloween Was Forever”
A holiday episode of the beloved ‘80s cartoon to add some autumnal spookiness to your April.
Robert Eggers’ HANSEL & GRETEL (2006)
Years before THE WITCH and THE LIGHTHOUSE, the filmmaker made a short based on the Brothers Grimm fable.
Coming Out (2020)
An incredible stop motion two-minute short film by Cress Maeve Beer full of hilarity and sincerity where Godzilla and Minya are able to better understand each other.
Conan Week—All Kids Audience
A short video to break up the monotony of daily life and provide some entertainment for the remainder of the day.