Real Queen Of Horror’s Best Motivational Speakers

Zena, aka Real Queen of Horror, is a prolific writer, podcaster, commentator, and much more in the horror genre. She has a long bibliography of articles and posts across many distinguished outlets and has even made a few short films herself. It’s probable that if you have ever looked up anything about a horror movie, then you’ve come across something made by her about that particular film. She is a tremendous voice for the community, always happy to boost up other fans and shine spotlights on lesser known projects, and does it all with great wit, insight, and style.

Also, I really love how she says “horra” and “liberry”—it’s legitimately endearing.

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In addition to all of her work on all of those other sites and podcasts, she also regularly releases videos on her YouTube channel where she dives into a certain trope, interviews various people, reviews movies, presents a list of films to check out, or discusses other aspects of horror films. One of her latest videos is about the best motivational speakers in horror films and it’s a terrific watch. Not only is it a bunch of fun movies (with almost all of the motivational speeches turning out to be by horrible people or falling on deaf ears), but Zena has a lot of fun discussing all the ways people try to inspire others in dismal situations only to have it go totally awry.

Though I must disagree that Loomis is a good therapist. Most therapists don’t simply write off a patient as “evil” and walk around with a gun in case they need to use it. Just putt that out there. Check out the great video below, subscribe to her channel, and be sure to follow her on Twitter at @LovelyZena.




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