Afternoon Delights: The Secret Star of ‘Divorce Court’

Ever have one of those bits from a song, TV show, book, or movie that probably most people haven’t seen (or at least wouldn’t remember) that just stays with you for the rest of your days? It’s usually something small, very hard to describe, but never fails to make you giggle and smirk when it comes back to the forefront of your mind.

This brief clip from Last Week Tonight With John Oliver is one of those brainworms for me. In between diatribes of the recent news cycles and deep dives into oddly pressing but slightly obscure topics, Last Week Tonight puts up these “And Now This…” segments which are excellent palate cleansers of various bits of silliness from the world of media.

As I’m not looking to give anything away, the staff of Last Week Tonight noticed that there was a particularly engaging aspect of the TV show Divorce Court that appears throughout multiple episodes. It’s a great escalation of ridiculousness that I hope makes you randomly giggle for many years as it has done for me.


Afternoon Delights: ‘Mr. Westerberg’


Afternoon Delights: “Shaturday Morning Cartoons: The Littles”