Afternoon Delights
Michael Jackson’s 3D passion project for Disney also involved George Lucas and Francis Ford Coppola.
The Real Ghostbusters, “The Boogieman Cometh”
One of the best episodes (in full) of the beloved animated series.
That Time Stephen King Went Off the Rails
PushingUpRoses sifts through the nose candy byproduct that is MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE.
The Real Ghostbusters, “When Halloween Was Forever”
A holiday episode of the beloved ‘80s cartoon to add some autumnal spookiness to your April.
The Evolution of ‘Rampage’ Games
Bits & Beats looks at the evolution of the Rampage from 1986 to 2019 and how the Midway video game of giant monsters smashing has changed over the year.
Afternoon Delights: “The Doomed Cleveland Balloonfest of '86”
A short video to break up the monotony of daily life and provide some entertainment for the remainder of the day.