The Ultimate Stephen King Starter Guide

In case you haven’t noticed, this month is devoted to Maine’s Master of the Macabre, Stephen King. But maybe some of you only know his work from the various screen adaptations and want to dive in to one of his books. With over 60 novels and 10 short story collections—amongst many other writings—that’s a pretty daunting task to begin. Luckily Morgan Alison Stewart is here to help with some suggestions for the best places to start with the massive catalogue of the King Of Horror.

Stewart, who is apparently a beauty vlogger of renown (I am old and unhip), walks viewers through various options on the best places to start—whether it’s chronological or having to do with the most accessible or even beginning with King’s Castle Rock mythos. Lots of avenues are presented and, for those of us who are already Constant Readers, it’s fun to remember how we began and what we’d recommend.

If you like this video, be sure to subscribe to Morgan Alison Stewart’s YouTube channel, check out her Twitch stream, and follow her on Twitter.


Stephen King Finds Inspiration In Bangor, Maine


Birth.Movies.Death. - “The Stephen King Multiverse”