Birth.Movies.Death. - “The Stephen King Multiverse”

Even though things—including websites—end, as DOCTOR SLEEP says, “we go on.”

Birth.Movies.Death was a great (if occasionally troubled) site that featured phenomenal writing and insights into film and culture. Due to a whole whirlwind of circumstances, it has sadly ceased to be (though a whole chunk of its writers now work for the resurrected Fangoria, so check that out). But something that was left behind was this excellent video that discussed the interconnectedness of all of Stephen King’s works and how repeating locations and characters creates a rich narrative tapestry to reward his Constant Readers.

This 2019 video lays out some of those ties that bind, as it lays out in its synopsis:

With Andy Muschietti's IT CHAPTER TWO now in theaters, we thought it would be a perfect time to take a look back at all the interconnected shenanigans happening within Stephen King's ever-expanding bibliography. Join us, won't you?

Written and narrated by Scott Wampler (with editing by Russ Hull), the video is a good overview of this larger multiverse. It also features some of the dope map/infographics created by James Van Fleet. Enjoy this tour of King Country as it spans from Castle Rock, Maine to the furthest reaches of reality itself.


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