Epic Rap Battles Of History - Poe vs King

I gotta be honest—Epic Rap Battles of History gives off a real “youth minister trying to be cool” vibe. Even though rap is a firmly entrenched genre decades old built on centuries of music tradition, why does this series make it feel like it’s still some trend to chase? It’s mind boggling.

Having said that, the flow of the rappers is impressive and it’s fun to watch these various historical figures square off. Though it would probably be more accurate to have Stephen King (Zach Sherwin) face off against Agatha Christie (in terms of type of work, popularity, and prolificness), Edgar Allen Poe (George Watsky) works as an opponent in the realm of dark literary lords. Lovecraft would’ve also worked but…y’know…we’d all be afraid of what he would say due to horrible racism (plus it would probably bring into focus King’s own checkered past with his bevy of “magical negroes”).

But as far as fun little nerdy musical dalliances go, this Epic Rap Battle of History between Poe and King is innocuous bordering on cute, so why not check it out? Written by Sherwin, Watsky, EpicLLOYD, Nice Peter, and Dante Cimadamore (with the beat by Tristan on the Track).


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