Afternoon Delights
The Art Of Jump Scares
Examining the ingredients for well-done versions of this horror film trope.
Why Do Superhero Movies Love Trains?
How trains, superheroes, and cinema tie together to tell stories.
Birth.Movies.Death. - “The Stephen King Multiverse”
The many threads that tie Stephen King’s stories together, across the multiverse itself.
How Stephen King Scares You
Why It’s Great on how Stephen King’s power lies deeper than simple horror gags.
Mikey Neumann stares into the heart of the multiverse and the soul of this movie to find what it says about all of us.
The Church Play Cinematic Universe
Jenny Nicholson takes a look at one church’s fascinating annual tradition.
Ryan Hollinger on A CURE FOR WELLNESS
The horror video essayist discusses and dissects Gore Verbinski’s 2016 batshit film.
The Lovingly Complicated Role Of Mothers In Movies
Luís Azevedo’s 2018 video essay for Fandor about the many roles moms play in storytelling.
ScreenCrush’s Ryan Arey lays out how the Marvel and DC films are basically the same…except one is well made.
Phil Jamesson on Sequel Culture
The writer/comedian/performer weighs in on why delivering more of the same can diminish returns.
Beyond Ghibli: “Shinkai - Not Separation, But Connection”
Beyond Ghibili is an incredible YouTube channel delving into Japanese media and artists, like this entry on Makoto Shinkai.
CinemaSins Is (Still) Terrible
Brilliant follow-up video essay by bobvids on why the YouTube channel remains The Worst.
The House That DeCoteau Built (er, Rented)
Jovo Anschluss investigates the infamous mansion where prolific filmmaker David DeCoteau made a large number of movies.
How Jackie Chan Takes A Hit
YouTube Channel Accented Cinema looks at how Jackie Chan’s secret superpower is the ability to be vulnerable.
“Shane Black & The Christmas Action Movie”
Patrick H. Willems' video essay on writer/director Shane Black’s long tradition of setting his action noir films at Christmastime.
“Sam Raimi: How Does Horror Comedy Work?”
Patrick H. Willems’ 2017 video essay uses Sam Raimi's films to examine how to blend horror and comedy without diluting either genre.
Hollywood Montrose: MANNEQUIN’s Gay Hero
Matt Baume looks at Hollywood Montrose, the flamboyantly badass gay hero played by Meshach Taylor in MANNEQUIN and MANNEQUIN: ON THE MOVE.
The References in KUNG FU HUSTLE
A fun video essay from Accented Cinema lays out a bunch of the references found deep (and not so deep) in KUNG FU HUSTLE.