The References in KUNG FU HUSTLE

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Stephen Chow’s 2004 film KUNG FU HUSTLE is rightfully beloved the world over as it entertains on many levels. There’s the different stylings of comedy that range from smart character work to almost literal Loony Tunes-esque fights. Of course the impressive physical prowess shown by many of the fighting and stunt teams, each shown off in different set-ups to accentuate a new form of physicality. And there’s the quasi-history lesson where Chow seems to pull from all manor of martial arts moviemaking in his film. There are so many references to all sorts of cinema through the ages and from around the world that some are sure to be missed by folks.

Accented Cinema compiles this look at the references in KUNG FU HUSTLE to decades Hong Kong filmmaking and centuries of martial arts myths. Many of the actors that play “simple” characters before revealing their Kung Fu mastery ways are, in fact, stars from Hong Kong’s yesteryear in pictures detailing Wuxia mysticism, cultural lore, and even true tales of martial prowess. The forms that each fighter shows off also corresponds to heralded tales that were the backbone of the area’s fantasy traditions. It’s fascinating stuff that will leave you with a whole list of movies and actors and subjects to go investigate afterwards.

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