The X-Men Go To The Mall

There are oceans upon oceans of podcasts out there. Some great, some horrendous. One of the great ones is Cerebro. Each episode, host Connor Goldsmith dives into a particular character from the decades of X-Men lore and tries to figure out their biographies and psychology with the help of a guest. It’s amazing.

On the episode about Jubilee (aka Jubilation Lee, eesh), Goldsmith and guest Jason Loo take a minor detour to talk about the setting for Jubilee’s introduction: the mall. Younger listeners may not quite understand the vital importance or socializing diversity that malls once served in our culture—but Goldsmith and Loo are happy to define while recapping issue Uncanny X-Men #244.

I cannot recommend Cerebro enough. Follow it on Instagram, Twitter/X, TikTok, and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts.


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