Top 5 Korean Movie Fights

Is OLDBOY’s hallway fight the most influential fight sequence of the 21st century? That’s not the question being posed in this video from ooss, which covers the Top 5 Korean Movie Fights. But since that scene is on the list, it does lead to wondering—thinking about how many directors followed up with hallway fights of their own, or the single shot actioner, or that sort of grounded but choreographed brutality. Perhaps something to consider as you watch this roundup of some of the best fight scenes Korea has to offer in the past ~20ish years.

The description is as follows:

The top 5 most epic beatdowns in Korean cinema - ranked! From the insane hallway brawl in OLDBOY to the all-out axe mayhem in THE VILLAINESS, we're counting down the wildest, most intense fight scenes ever shot in Korean films.

Learn why Korean fight choreography is some of the best in the biz. And find out who takes the crown for the most jaw-dropping, heart-pounding movie fight of all time! Did we get it right or do YOU have a different top 5? Let us know in the comments below.

I’m sure various fans and devotees would disagree with this list, or at the very least its order. Which is great! Lists like these aren’t really meant to be definitive. They are to encourage discussion and hopefully hip people to some titles of which they weren’t previously aware.

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