Buy Silver Shamrock with Tapes From The Crypt’s HALLOWEEN III Collection

My first taste of horror cinema were movies cut for time restraint and edited for content so they could be screened on basic cable Halloween. My favorites were always the more oddball films, the ones that would interject some humor along with their scares. I would always have blank VHS tapes ready so I could record my favorites and show them to my friends.

Now, as a middle-aged person, I still think about those fantastic films I’d watch over and over. TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE 2 (1986) and RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD (1985) were a couple of my favorites. The one film that I couldn’t stop watching that stuck out more than the rest was, HALLOWEEN III: SEASON OF THE WITCH (1982).

HALLOWEEN III was a notoriously failed attempt by John Carpenter at pivoting the series from Haddonfield into being an annual anthology with a different story set at Halloween time. It featured a never boozier Tom Atkins as the intrepid hero, a fairly deadbeat dad hot on the trail of some murderous shenanigans perpetrated by Silver Shamrock, a large toy company that is making the year’s hottest Halloween masks. Surprising few, it turns out all is not well at Silver Shamrock. The slasher mode that the originals helped create were jettisoned for a supernatural tale that involved Stonehenge, evil robotics, and large commercial sales—but retained an exceptional score by Carpenter (joined this time by Allan Howarth).

I had never seen the first two, but this film was so weird and wonderful, it really didn’t seem to matter. Fast forward a decade and all my friends were shocked that I had no idea who Michael Meyers was (other than the dude on Saturday Night Live). I literally had no interest in slashers at this point, especially something that didn’t add to the bizarre mix of witchcraft, android, Celtic lore which thrives in HALLOWEEN III.

When I find out that there are horror fans that hate this film—my favorite of the franchise—it kind of blows my mind. That consensus has started to change recently, but for many decades people were put off by the bizarre nature of this aberration in the Halloween franchise and it became an easy genre punching bag. Now it’s (rightly) celebrated for its style and massive swing at something new, but the amount of merch that comes out every year based on this film is actually kind of surprising. Unfortunately the fact that the majority of the memorabilia released is mostly run-of-the-mill t-shirts and figures doesn’t seem exactly fitting for such an offbeat and unique movie.

I think that’s what has impressed me most about Tapes From the Crypt’s HALLOWEEN III collection. Sure, it’s got a couple staple items, but also some truly bonkers collectibles that I’d be remiss if I didn’t share with the world upon discovery.

Let’s get the somewhat normal, but still absolutely not boring, items out of the way.

First off is a killer retro style ringer t-shirt featuring the three masks from the movie in a sort of art deco style back drop. It’s cute, it’s disgusting, I love it. Next, a long sleeve shirt to me has a distinctive metal feel to it. Displaying a mishmash of art from the original HALLOWEEN III: SEASON OF THE WITCH poster and images from the film, this is a “must have” item.

I know what you’re saying, “What’s so weird about t-shirts?” You’re right, there is nothing weird about t-shirts, but what about a color block HALLOWEEN III embroidered hoodie? It’s as If the ‘90s hip hop fan in me and adolescent horror fan me got together and came up with the perfect clothing item for those chilly fall nights.

As if that wasn’t enough, Tapes from the Crypt has the perfect accessory. A black corduroy SEASON OF THE WITCH dad hat with an embroidered logo. Yes, I’m drooling and I need it!

Still not wacky enough? Cool, cause here’s the pièce de resistance: I’ve seen kids rockin’ these things on their crocs, and I had no idea what they were. Now I find out they are called “jibbitz,” and Tapes from the Crypt have come out with a limited-edition Silver Shamrock Crocs jibbitz pack which includes the three masks from the movie and the Silver Shamrock logo. So sick! I wanna buy a pair of crocs, just so I can rock these.

Last, but certainly not least, is an item that is so bizarre it even has me saying “OMG WTF?”

Tapes from the Crypt has created a Tom Atkins “Playgirl” pin-up flag.

This flag is 4’x6’ with original Atkins Playgirl art from Retro Release Video and it is so awesome it literally melted my face.

I am now writing this with a completely melted face and it was totally worth it.

If you are the kind of horror nerd who like me thinks that HALLOWEEN III: SEASON OF THE WITCH is the best of the franchise, then this is the merchandise you need to rock it. Check out Tapes From The Crypt on Instagram, that’s where I discovered ‘em. Better yet, go to their website at and check out all the insanity they have in store for you.

Make sure you tell ‘em Neon Splatter sent ya, and as always…BUY OR DIE!

Jeremy Lowe

Jeremy Lowe (a.k.a Germ T. Ripper) has been a Chicago punk rock main stay singing for such bands as The Rotten Fruits, Brickwall Vultures, and Modern Day Rippers. He has written for several websites over the years including: Daily Grindhouse, 1428 Elm, Gayly Dreadful, and Riot Fest. Currently Jeremy splits his creative time writing horror fiction that has been published by St. Rooster Books, performing as a stand up comedian, and being a Pro-wrestling manager with POWW Entertainment.


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