The Daily Beasts
For theme projects (like #Kaijuly, #Mocktoberfest, and #SeasonsBeatings—for example),
a new film/show is profiled every day by a different writer.
The Pumpkin King: THE DARK HALF (1993)
George Romero’s adaptation wonders, between our outer and inner selves…which is our true face?
The Pumpkin King: NEEDFUL THINGS (1993)
The power of nostalgia compels bad behavior in this prescient Stephen King adaptation.
Fourths Of July: PUPPET MASTER 4 (1993)
This fourth installment of the Full Moon classic series is a delightful genre mash-up.
ROBOCOP 3 (1993)
Fred Dekker’s third entry in the series has so much promise, but mistakes were made. But hey, Kiley wrote a poem about it—so it all works out!