The Daily Beasts
For theme projects (like #Kaijuly, #Mocktoberfest, and #SeasonsBeatings—for example),
a new film/show is profiled every day by a different writer.
The Pumpkin King: SALEM’S LOT (1979)
Tobe Hooper and Stephen King team up for vampires in the U.S.A….but is it any good?
The Pumpkin King: NEEDFUL THINGS (1993)
The power of nostalgia compels bad behavior in this prescient Stephen King adaptation.
DIE HARD 2 (1990)
In celebration of the Christmas sequel to the Christmas action film, Mary Kay McBrayer looks at the Top 5 Bureaucratic Heroes of DIE HARD 2: DIE HARDER.
DIE HARD (1988)
Or, 7 Ways to Improve Your Corporate Holiday Party—According to DIE HARD (1988)