The Daily Beasts
For theme projects (like #Kaijuly, #Mocktoberfest, and #SeasonsBeatings—for example),
a new film/show is profiled every day by a different writer.
Fourths Of July: LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD (2007)
John McClane takes on Cyberterrorism in this odd sequel to the action classic.
DIE HARD 2 (1990)
In celebration of the Christmas sequel to the Christmas action film, Mary Kay McBrayer looks at the Top 5 Bureaucratic Heroes of DIE HARD 2: DIE HARDER.
DIE HARD (1988)
Or, 7 Ways to Improve Your Corporate Holiday Party—According to DIE HARD (1988)
Memories can define who we are and our relationship to what we like. These ties remain and cast significance, even with popcorn films like THE LONG KISS GOODNIGHT.