The Daily Beasts
For theme projects (like #Kaijuly, #Mocktoberfest, and #SeasonsBeatings—for example),
a new film/show is profiled every day by a different writer.
Fourths Of July: THE FIRST PURGE (2018)
The socially conscious horror franchise gets an origin story in this engaging installment.
Heather Wixson on how Richard Donner’s direction and Shane Black’s writing helped redefine the action hero in the 1980s.
RENT-A-COP (1987)
A trainwreck of genres and ideas, Jerry London’s holiday-set film feels like everyone is in their own movie—no matter how it clashes with those around them.
ROBOCOP 3 (1993)
Fred Dekker’s third entry in the series has so much promise, but mistakes were made. But hey, Kiley wrote a poem about it—so it all works out!