Things To Come…
The Dawn Of A New Neon Era
Doesn’t that shit sound ominous?
Despite the fact that we are now in year three of 2020 (history books will remember 2020 as the year that spanned five years—mark my words!), we are rapidly approach the anniversary of Neon Splatter launching in May 2021. There’ll be some changes around the actual 12 month celebration, but there are still some additions deserving of their own announcement. On top of the current daily and recurring features, there will be a couple of new ones handled by me (Rob Dean) as well as monthly entries from some new Neon Knights who will be on hand to fill your eyes and brains with their talented brilliance. So let’s get into it!
New Daily Feature!
Trailer Trash
Starting TODAY, there’ll be a new daily feature at the end of the day (after Quotent Quotables) where a different trailer is highlighted. May be for a good movie, may be for a bad one; may be for a super well known film, may be something obscure. It’s just a way to explore various previews that studios and others have made to entice audiences—often with either false promises or way too much information.
New Weekly Feature!
Neon Splatter: Stream Warriors
Each Friday, Neon Splatter contributors will present a list of various movies and shows and whatever else that is available to watching on all sorts of streaming services. Doesn’t have to be the newest releases, just quality stuff to check out that’ll brighten your weekend.
As we are such different folks, there should be a nice span of genres, decades, and tastes that’ll lead to fun discoveries or at least validate something you already like. So if you feel inundated with too many options and just want some clear decisive titles to watch—Stream Warriors got your back.
New Monthly Features!
Hearing Voices/Seeing Stars by Ashley Rappa
All about the actors behind the voices inside the characters you love. With profiles of, and interviews with, various voice actors/mocap performers whose faces you may not know but whose voices are indelibly burned into your mind.
Hearing Voices/Seeing Stars posts on the second Thursday of every month.
Buy Or Die by Jeremy Lowe
Spotlights on cinematic sartorial splendors as Jeremy highlights particular clothes centered on genre films, horror, and more that are available for purchase—and the brands that produce these wicked wardrobes.
If you want to be the talk of your cinephile circle, or at least throw down the film fashion gauntlet to other nerds, this is where you’ll find the coolest articles of clothing.
Buy Or Die posts on the third Monday of every month.
Visionaries’ Videographies by Shafi Malik
An exploration of some of the most renowned directors' "smaller" masterpieces…their music video and commercial work!
Many of the biggest filmmakers got their start in advertising and making stuff for MTV. How are these little slices of cinema?
Visionaries’ Videographies posts on the third Thursday of every month.
I Dig Movies by Kiley Fox
Take a deep dive into the past with Kiley Fox as she explores the cultural nuances of archaeology and history in film. How do films shape our understanding of the past and others? How does the past shape our films?
I Dig Movies posts on the fourth Monday of every month.
Reel To Reel by Khayla McGowan
A journey between entries of film series with a focus on the evolution of a single character or theme as the series goes on.
Each series entry gets a summary with an analysis of the focused character or theme building with each movie and article.
Reel To Reel posts on the fourth Thursday of every month.
Final Friday Folklore by Mary Kay McBrayer & Kiley Fox
For those obsessed with folk horror, Kiley Fox and Mary Kay McBrayer deliver a deep dive into a horrific artifact of folklore outside the western world.
For cryptids, legends, treasure and more, read their feature and be transported.
Final Friday Folklore posts on the fourth Friday of every month.
Exciting news and new additions starting this month on Neon Splatter. Thanks to these excellent and talented writers for contributing their time, effort, and brilliance to the site. There’ll be a lot of great posts coming up that run the gamut of topics that will entertain and inform all of you out there. Thanks for reading Neon Splatter and visiting our humble little corner of the Internet.
And, as previously mentioned, there’ll be changes, updates, features, and more as Neon Splatter approaches its first birthday. Stay tuned…