Bot Writes Batman

As usual, Batman comes to the rescue. As we wade through this seemingly interminable day towards the weekend, it would help to find something wacky and weird. That’s where this tweet (and subsequent video) from 2019 come in to delightfully brighten your day.

“You drink water, I drink anarchy.”

User Keaton Patti on Twitter allegedly forced a bot to write a Batman movie (who can tell what’s a bit and what’s not these days? everything is so damn ironic). The result is a hilarious distillation of edge lord Joker and constantly crushed by being an orphan Batman. It’s such a bizarro mishmash of language while still basically being accurate if you squint your eyes a bit.

"Batman looks for his parents, but they are still dead."

This particular tweet has been enhanced and adapted by many, but the purest form of adaptation is simply this person reading through the script while constantly cackling about each quirky conjugation or turn of phrase. It feels like you are reading along with a friend for the first time as they bust a gut over this bizarro Batman tale. It’s short, it’s sweet, it simply cannot be beat. (also, it’s kind of great and somehow oddly fitting that this is the only video the YouTube user has ever posted)


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