Kennie JD’s Bad Movies & A Beat

I know we all get down on the Internet and with good reason thanks to all the horribleness (looking at you, Nazis). But there are still glimmers of light with terrific talent and outstanding voices piercing through the veil of crap to produce hilarity and insight. Thanks to Stephanie Crawford, I was alerted to the existence of Kennie JD’s YouTube channel and her recurring series, Bad Movies & A Beat. It’s a pretty simple premise that mixes two great tastes that, it turns out, taste great together: while applying make-up to create some new fabulous look, Kendall also discusses a pretty wretched movie (often of the so-bad-it’s-good-or-at-least-entertaining).

While there are hundreds of shows/podcasts/columns dedicated to horrible films, it always comes down to the approach and personality of those reviewing the cinematic turds. Distinguishing herself from much of the pack, Kendall is hilarious with a keen understanding of movies and a great talent for turning a phrase—and for make-up as well. No matter what the subject is of each installment she finds a fresh approach and unique take on these poor unfortunate films.

Culled from the bowels of infamy (and usually Tubi as well), some of these are classic titles known for being terrible. But there are some that I had never heard of and have since sought out. Today’s video, for example, highlighted 2010’s THE NUTCRACKER, also known as THE NUTCRACKER IN 3D and THE NUTCRACKER: THE UNTOLD STORY. It looks bizarre in the best worst way possible and Kendall does an excellent job highlight its most heinous and (unintentionally) hilarious aspects. If you enjoy the video, be sure to subscribe to Kendall’s YouTube channel and follow her on Twitter.


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