Discourse + Delusions
Editorials on some tangent, theory, modest proposal, or expunging an opinion into the world at large.
DUTCH: A Hidden Thanksgiving Gem
A John Hughes-penned holiday classic deserves to be rediscovered.
My Year In Tokusatsu
How the Kikaida series helped inspire to find greater strength within.
10 Of The Best (And 2 Of The Worst) Movie Santas Of All Time
Adrian hands out superlatives to 12 cinematic Santas and some of them get REAL specific.
Rob Dean is bursting with antici….
….pation over the new movie from The Daniels.
JASON X or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
Kiley Fox looks at how one of the most maligned FRIDAY THE 13TH entries resurrected not just the celebrated slasher but her own love of horror which had once helped guide her through so much pain.