My Mixtape’s A Masterpiece
Guest writers compile a 12-song playlist connected with whatever theme they choose. They pick the theme, match the songs, and then explain their choices…and you get to listen to the results!
Soundtrack To The Perfect Neo-Slasher
Sunday Revello brings together songs to accompany the perfect neo-slasher movie playing in her mind.
Songs In The King Of Steve
Rob Dean’s 12 tracks featured in adaptations of Stephen King works.
Stephen King Soundtrack Sampler
Rich Love assembles 11 great rock songs from Stephen King movies.
‘80s Punk In A Zombie Movie
12 songs to accompany a Reagan-era streetpunk’s fight against the living dead.
Jerry Smith assembles 10 songs for a soundtrack to the perfect satanic biker film never made.
Songs For Future SCREAM Soundtracks
For this week’s installment, Amber R.W. Knapp assembles 13 tracks to accompany future entries in the SCREAM franchise.
What Screams May Come
Keevin Miller presents A Soundtrack To The Nightmares He Remembers…and that still haunt him in his waking hours.
The Witching Hour
Alejandra Gonzalez assembles a fierce musical celebration of witches that will cast a spell on your ears and your heart.
Soundtrack To The Best Horror Movie You’ve Never Seen
This week is the soundtrack for an imaginary horror film assembled by Shafi Malik that will lull you into its world only to then haunt your days. Read Shafi’s thoughts on the tracks and listen along to the Spotify and YouTube playlists.
Partying Under The Covers On Halloween
Jeremy Lowe assembles a Halloween Party Playlist from covers of classic spooky songs. The Spotify and YouTube mixes are included along with Jeremy’s liner notes.
I Nu What You Listened To Last Summer
Greg Mucci compiles 12 songs charting the progression of Metal and Nu-Metal songs in horror soundtracks from the '90s to the '00s.
Heavy Metal Monster Music
A soundtrack of destruction (Megadeth pun 100% intended) capturing the mood, energy, and chaos of a giant monster film. So, buckle up, grab your headphones, crank the volume to 11, and get ready to look like the Maxwell "blown away" guy...because this Mixtape is about to get heavy!
Soundtrack for ‘The Doomed Flight of the DMK’
My Mixtape’s A Masterpiece is a weekly feature in which a guest compiles a 12-song playlist around some theme. This week, for KaiJuly 2021, Rob Dean curates a soundtrack for an imaginary film about mankind’s hope to stop a Kaiju’s devastation. #Kaijuly2021